White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is asked about acrimony between the President and the White House and congressional leaders and Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as border wall shutdown threats and repeal and replace of Obamacare issues.
]]>White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will not even dignify a response to what she believes are outrageous character criticism’s of President Trump by Tennessee Senator Bob Corker.
]]>White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is pressed over questions of a White House shutdown over the issue of a border wall with Mexico. She is repeatedly asked if the President insisted that Mexico would pay for the wall then why is he threatening a shutdown over our congress paying for it.
]]>White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Tax Reform is a huge priority for the administration. She says we can expect announcements beginning next week.
]]>President Trump talks about faith in each other and our values. He says “we are people who love” and goes on from there. He further continues with “there is no country like the United States of America” and he exclaims there is no division too big to heal.
]]>President Trump preaches unity and respect for the National Anthem to the members and veterans of the American Legion. He emphasizes our future and he repeats “we will win, we will win”.
]]>President Trump tells the American Legion we are getting better at missile defense and he talks about his new strategy in Afghanistan. He says he will give our troops the tools they need to win. President trump also talks about the record pace our country is destroying terrorist organizations. He says we have prevailed not only by military means , but by the strength and pride of the American people
]]>President Trump honors the great veterans of The American Legion who fought in wars since World War 2 that were in the audience. They are patriots that make our country proud in so many ways the President emphasizes, as well as the importance of ‘The Pledge of Allegiance’ “for God and Country”.
]]>President Trump says we will take up the common cause with any ally against terrorism and any real enemy. We are spending billions on new defense initiatives and on the nuclear arsenal. The President gives great deference and respect to the thousands of heroes that lie in Arlington National Cemetery and the sacrifices of those men and their families. He talks about the need to bond together in love and thanks all Americans for their support of good over evil.
]]>President Trump makes it clear from now on that we will fight to win and that the country of Afghanistan has to help pay the costs of the war there, as will our other military allies. Afghanistan will manage their own country. President Trump is emphasizing we will not be building democracies around the world in our image, but we will fight for our best interests.