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August | 2016 | Politics Wire product key windows 10 franchising veren firmalar seks sohbet hattı porno izle
Mike Huckabee Wants To Talk Religion With US
The former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee has some strict beliefs when it comes to religion and wants Donald Trump to act on them as well. The crowd also agreed and cheered for religious freedom. Read more
Mike Huckabee Was Destroyed By Donald Trump
As Mike Huckabee came to Donald Trumps defense in Sunrise Florida, he starts out talking about how he was destroyed by the Trump campaign during his own run for the Presidency. Read more
Former Media Anchor Mike Huckabee Says News Has Failed
Former Media Anchor and Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee tells the crowd at a Trump rally in Florida that the media has absolutely failed them. He also tells his listeners about how the Financial community is crooked. Read more
Donald Trump Calls Hedge Funds “Killers”
During a campaign rally in South Florida, Donald Trump talks about his relationship with big business donors compared to Hillary. He then talks about hedge funds and calls the people that run them “Killers”. The crowd went wild as Donald Trump pulled out a fancy chart. Read more
Trump Admits He Never Thought He Would Win Florida In Primary
Donald Trump gets a roaring ovation from his crowd and he urges them to vote in November and he talks about running against Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush in Florida. He never originally thought he could beat them in their home state at the beginning of the Republican winner... Read more
Donald Trump Thinks He is Now Tied With Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump urged his supporters and Republicans to vote. He says he saw a poll that he is now tied with Hillary Clinton and he gets the crowd going with his “Make America Great Again” slogan. Read more
Donald Trump Claims He Is The Messenger For Common Sense
Donald Trump says he is the messenger of common sense and the messenger for the military and solving a number of America’s problems. Listen in and let us know what you think. Read more
Donald Trump: “Hillary Clinton Has The Temperament Of A Loser”
Donald Trump doesn’t like Hillary Clinton’s attack on his temperament and he retorts that she has the temperament of a loser. Trump says he has the best temperament and that his temperament is going to win the election. Any thoughts? Read more
Donald Trump Does Not Want Syrian Refugees Or A “Trojan Horse”
Donald Trump got out the chart of President Obama and Hillary Clinton proposed refugee counts from Syria. He does not want Syrian refugees coming to the United States and wants to build safe camps for them in the Middle east. He says it may be one of the great... Read more
Donald Trump Says He May Choose 5 Supreme Court Justices
Donald Trump Talked about the importance of his Supreme Court picks and his view of the danger of Having Hillary Clinton as President when it comes to the court. Meanwhile some disturbed member of the crowd kept screaming “Scalia Was Murdered, Scalia Was Murdered. It was a strange scene. Read more
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