Gay Tech Billionaire Peter Thiel Endorses Donald Trump At Republican Convention
Uncategorized July 22, 2016 admin 0
2016 United States Presidential Election1 business celebrity1 celebrity wire entertainment network5 Computer genius1 Donald Trump243 donald trump campaign1 famous writer1 Finance and Economy1 Gay Rights1 national news249 paypal founder1 Peter Thiel1 peter thiel endorses donald trump1 peter thiel gay pride1 peter thiel speech1 political wire4 politics227 Politics and Government2 presidential election15 Republican National Convention2 Republican National Convention 20162 Republican Party2 Silicon Valley1 silicon valley celeb1 silicon valley investor1 tech billionaire1 trump endorsement1 United States Presidential Election2 white house campaign1

Famous Venture capitalist and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel speaks on closing night of the 2016 Republican convention and makes a major point to talk about his pride in being Gay, American excellence and endorsing Donald Trump for President in a meaningful and memorable political moment that got a standing ovation.
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