President Trump Feels Bad For Paul Manafort
Uncategorized August 28, 2017 0
President Trump thinks the FBI raid of Paul Manafort’s home was unusual. He says he was with the campaign for a very short time. He was surprised and he feels bad for Paul Manafort and his family and always found him to be a decent man. He calls it... Read more
Donald Trump Will Not Allow Businesses To leave
Uncategorized August 17, 2016 0
If Donald Trump is not elected President he has a professed future of being the “Secretary of Not Allowing Businesses to leave” and particularly to Mexico where he will build a wall and they will pay for it. When it comes to jobs Donald Trump believes in American protectionism... Read more
As the President’s speech at Rutgers University came to a close he had some final words about Presidential nominee Donald Trump and his plans for building a wall. Read more
President Obama On Trump And The Web
Uncategorized May 18, 2016 0
Donald trump was mentioned at Rutgers University as President Obama made a commencement address their. He spoke on the age of information as well as looking for leaders that have real experience. Read more
As the President of the United States spoke to college students he also touched on how to live life and understand technology. He also mocks Donald Trump and encourages students to not act like him. Read more
White speaking at Rutgers University, President Obama gives a meaningful speech on climate change and how it’s fought in congress. He also mentions how climate change will affect the next generation of people. He also gives a funny example of a Senator with a snowball. Read more
The President took time out of his busy schedule to participate in the Rutgers University Commencement Address as he spoke to college students about what democracy truly is. He also mentions how the political process will help future generations. Read more